A Study of Performance: All’s Well that Ends Well, part 1.

The following is excerpted from my senior thesis in performance at the University of Pennsylvania, supervised by Cary Mazer. To thine own self be true, and it shall follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.[1]                                     —Vivienne Kensington, Legally Blonde “What if we just call you ‘Hell’?” […]

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The Disenfranchised and the Martyr: Merchant of Venice part 2

Courtroom Scene: the Exercise of Power Antonio, Shylock, and Portia’s diverse objectives and power relations unite in the courtroom and counter each other: Portia wants to save Antonio’s life, Antonio wants Bassanio to appreciate his immense sacrifice, and Shylock wants his vengeance. In what he thinks is his ultimate sacrifice, Antonio paints himself as the […]

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Shakespeare en Kabul: es universal?

Vamos a hablar sobre la “universalidad” de Shakespeare. La gente que discute sobre Shakespeare usualmente pertenecen a dos grupos: A) Shakespeare es universal. Todos lo aman cuando ven su obra y él captura la condición humana, etcétera, etcétera. B) Shakespeare es un gran escritor del teatro que definitivamente mostraba las luchas comunes de mucha gente, […]

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